Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Female CEOs' Pay Fell More Than Men's: Survey
"Female chief executives earned just 58 percent of what their male counterparts did in 2008, and their compensation packages were slashed three times as much as their male peers, according to a survey released on Monday."
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Prize for Best African Leader Goes to ... No One
"When Sudanese-born billionaire Mo Ibrahim announced an annual $5 million prize to reward Africa's best leaders, he warned that there would be years when 'we wouldn't award the prize.' Just three years on, and despite considering "some credible candidates," the prize committee said on Monday that no prize would be awarded in 2009.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Obama's Nobel Prize Win Unique among Presidents
"In winning the Nobel Peace Prize, President Obama joins an elite group of U.S. presidents. He is the fourth to win the prize, the third to win it while in office and the first to receive it during his first year in office. Unlike his predecessors, Obama was selected not for substantive accomplishments, but for his 'vision' and inspiring 'hope' at the beginning of his presidency."
CEOs Say: How To Give A Great Presentation
"CEOs say it's important to be well prepared. But they caution that too much rehearsing can result in a wooden delivery at the podium. The most important part of preparation: making sure you're ready for questions and comments from left field. Allow your presentation to flow from the set outline. The audience will feel engaged, and you all may even have a little fun."
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Top Ten Colorful First Spouses (Slideshow)
This is an amusing slideshow, but it also indicates some of the impact (for better or worse) first spouses often have.
Fortune: 10 Most Powerful Women in Washington
Slideshow ranking the most powerful women in Washington. Michelle Obama is not included.
How to Be a Better Listener
"Here are several tips that will not only help you listen better, but look like you are listening."
Top US Political Dynasties
"Kennedys, Rockefellers, and Harrisons sit at the top, while newer Bushes rank 6th" among political dynasties.
Book Excerpt: 7 Lessons for Leading in Crisis
"In an edited excerpt from his new book, 7 Lessson for Leading in Crisis, Bill George writes about the importance of leaders acknowledging reality--and their own role in creating a situation."
Management Practices That Spell Doom
Please see a slide show featuring 13 universally used, but ultimately ineffective, management practices—and prescriptions for how to change them.
Study Shows U.S. Bank CEO Pay Dwarfs Rest of World
"The compensation of the CEOs of the largest U.S. banks towers above what's paid to banking chiefs in other parts of the world, according to a Reuters analysis of pay at the 18 biggest banks by market value."
Building Corporate Culture
"All companies have a corporate culture. Some cultures are good; others are bad. Some are productive, some destructive. . ."
Warren Bennis: Acting the Part of a Leader
"Like great actors, great leaders create and sell an alternative vision of the world, a better one in which we are an essential part. . ."
Narcissism Can Make Politicians Leaders and Cheaters
"Those who watch the headlines or the new drama The Good Wife, about a politician caught up in a sex scandal, will recognize what social scientists have already observed: that politicians are a different breed. They say a thread of narcissism makes these political animals feel invincible and willing to take risks."
The Value of Suffering
"Loss Creates Leaders. I made that the title of the first chapter in my new book because I believe it's the most important lesson for anyone who aspires to leadership in business or elsewhere in life. It is the foundation upon which all else is built. . ."
What Really Kills Great Companies: Inertia
"Review the history of the average organization and you’ll discover long periods of incremental fiddling punctuated by occasional bouts of frantic, crisis-driven change. The dynamic is not unlike that of arteriosclerosis: after years of relative inactivity, the slow accretion of arterial plaque is suddenly revealed by the business equivalent of a myocardial infarction. The only option at that juncture is a quadruple bypass: excise the leadership team, slash head count, dump 'non-core' assets and overhaul the balance sheet. . ."
The CEO Educator
"New York City education chief Joel Klein talks about improving inner-city schools, competing globally, and how Jack Welch helps him groom his leadership team."
A Few Other Nobel Peace Prize Candidates
Some of the other candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize have shown selfless or courageous leadership.
Determine Your Ministry Age
"Do your assumptions about leadership reflect the values of your generation?"
Army Agrees Kansas Priest Worthy of Medal of Honor
"As his fellow prisoners of war returned home from the Korean War, they shared stories of self-sacrifice about Rev. Emil Kapaun, the humble priest from Kansas. The prisoners of the 8th Cavalry Regiment spoke of how Kapaun, an Army chaplain, continued to look after his men even though he was wounded and sick himself. Risking his own life, Kapaun would sneak out after dark to scrounge food for those too weak to eat, fashion makeshift containers to collect water and wash their soiled clothes. Kapaun died at the camp hospital seven months after he was first taken captive by the Chinese in 1950. More than a half-century later, the Army's top civilian leader has recommended that Kapaun, who is also a candidate for sainthood, receive the Medal of Honor."
Biden Redefines Role of Vice President
"Joe Biden's vice presidency is shaping up as a mix of his two Democratic predecessors, two of the most influential vice presidents after Dick Cheney."
Workers Think Bosses are Dishonest, Survey Says
"A majority of U.S. workers do not think their bosses are honest, said a survey released on Tuesday, and one in four would fire their boss if they could."
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