Friday, May 18, 2012

Last Leader of French Resistance Movement, Dies at Age 97

"Raymond Aubrac, a leading figure in the French Resistance movement during World War II who became a hero after escaping the Nazi's Gestapo with the help of his pregnant wife, has died aged 97."

Chuck Colson and the Transforming Power of Grace

"Chuck Colson's swift journey from the White House to a penitentiary ended a life of accomplishment, writes Michael Gerson, only to begin a life of significance."

Intelligence Is Overrated: What You Really Need To Succeed

". . .instead of exclusively focusing on your conventional intelligence quotient, you should make an investment in strengthening your EQ (Emotional Intelligence), MQ (Moral Intelligence), and BQ (Body Intelligence). These concepts may be elusive and difficult to measure, but their significance is far greater than IQ."

Use the Power of Pause When Speaking

"Whenever effective public speakers end a sentence or phrase, they usually pause. This gives listeners time to absorb their words. . ."

The Most Powerful CEOs in America

"Several CEOs and founders of well-known American companies have complete control over their companies. Through voting power, they control the boards and strategic decisions of these corporations. . ."

Former Presidential Adviser, Civil Rights Figure Katzenbach Dies

"He was a top adviser to President John F. Kennedy and Attorney General Robert Kennedy on several key issues, including the Cuban missile crisis. Katzenbach was attorney general for two years during the Lyndon B. Johnson administration. Katzenbach drafted and — serving as Johnson's liaison to Congress — secured passage of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act. . ."

10 Ways to Motivate Anyone

". . .there is no cookie-cutter approach to motivating your people. What inspires one person may leave the next cold. When you understand an employee’s thinking and behavioral preferences, you’ll be able to maximize his or her enthusiasm. This will help you get your workforce aligned and moving in the same direction, and you’ll see incredible returns."

Run a Decisive Project Meeting

"To keep momentum in a project, you need to run great meetings. . ."

CEOs Stumble Over Ethics Violations, Mismanagement

"Corporate governance experts, board consultants and ethics experts say CEOs are under more hot-seat scrutiny for several reasons. Despite record corporate profits, unemployment remains stubbornly high. Excessive CEO compensation and inequities in pay and benefits have gained wide exposure by social movements such as Occupy Wall Street and out-of-work military veterans fresh off protracted tours in Iraq and Afghanistan."

After Yahoo: Why Do Powerful People Lie?

"Why do leaders risk so much over what, in the grand scheme of things, is a small dishonesty?"

John Edwards Rose and Fell in a Tale of Self-Admitted ‘Egotism’

"John Edwards campaigned for president with a tale of 'two Americas,' one rich, one poor, and vowed to bridge them. It turns out there also were two John Edwards."